$120,000 in funding announced for 2022 Impact on the Plains winners

WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 15, 2022 – Four winners have been awarded $25,000 each tonight for this year’s Impact on the Plains. The top two program applicants in the four focus areas of health, education, financial stability and basic needs participated in the “Shark Tank”-style social innovation competition hosted by United Way of the Plains. This is the second year the event was held to award nonprofits with innovative and impactful solutions to community issues.

Finalists were selected from applications submitted by numerous area nonprofit agencies. In addition to learning more about these eight initiatives during the presentations, community leaders acting as judges asked questions of each of the presenters to help them determine the winning solutions. The finalists addressed specific needs across the eight-county service area covered by United Way of the Plains with programs that have been operating between one and four years.

The four winners who received $25,000 each are:


  • Exercise and Wellness Program, Club Parkinson’s
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – provides research based, comprehensive wellness and treatment programs for persons with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers


  • Summer Enrichment and Exploration Program, ICT Launchpad
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – helps low-income students maintain academic skills over the summer while also providing social activities and meals

Financial Stability

  • Wings Up: A Pathway to Economic Stability, Destination Innovation
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – nurtures young adults who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) through career training, hands-on experience and mentoring to create pathways to financial security

Basic Needs

  • Emergency Help for Victims of Trafficking, Hope Ranch for Women
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – offers restorative services to women survivors of trafficking, abuse and trauma.

The four programs that were not selected for the $25,000 investment were awarded a $5,000 investment in recognition of their impact by United Way of the Plains.


  • Trauma-related Support for Vets, Sojourner’s Coffee House
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – facilitates a safe, confidential space for service members, veterans and their families who are battling addiction and anxiety to come together and gain community in a healthy environment


  • Empowering Youth Through Debate, Ad Astra Debate League
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – teaches students effective communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills to be prepared for college and careers in the 21st century

Financial Stability

  • Bridges Out of Poverty, Children First
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – helps low-income families move from instability and poverty to long-term resource stability through education and credit coaching

Basic Needs

  • Mobile Shower and Hygiene Program, Shower Up Wichita
    INNOVATIVE OUTCOME – restores dignity, self-esteem and humanity to those experiencing homelessness through mobile showers, hygiene and personal care

Visit unitedwayplains.org/impact for more information about the competition. The host sponsor for the event was Textron Aviation. Kickstarter sponsors include Emprise Bank, EY, Hutton and Spirit AeroSystems.


MEDIA CONTACT: Angie Prather, Vice President of Marketing and Chief Community Engagement Officer, (316) 267‑1321, ext. 4105, aprather@unitedwayplains.org

Photo of 2022 Impact on the Plains finalists
Click on photo to download.

United Way of the Plains is a nonprofit and for-impact organization that focuses on health, education, financial stability and basic needs – the building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community. Our mission is to improve lives by harnessing the caring power of our community to advance the common good in south central Kansas. Follow us on these social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.


Published On: September 16, 2022


Our focus is on healtheducationfinancial stability and basic needs—the building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community. Click below to learn more about what we’re doing, the programs we invest in and our lasting impact in each area.