Board of Directors

Our board of directors is a distinguished group of community leaders. Their strategic guidance steers the direction of our organization.

Headshot of Jennifer Szambecki.

Jennifer Szambecki
Board Chair
Chief of Staff


Headshot of Doug Ledbetter.

Doug Ledbetter
Vice Chair
Ernst & Young LLP

Headshot of Sue Tirukonda.

Sue Tirukonda, CFP
Treasurer / Finance Chair

Financial Advisor
Cordell Wealth Management

Headshot of Walt Berry.

Walter Berry
Immediate Past Chair
Executive Chairman
Berry Companies

Headshot of Gene Camarena.

Gene Camarena
Community Investment Chair

La Raza Pizza, Inc.

Headshot of John Trowbridge.

John Trowbridge
Resource Development Chair
Senior Vice President of Business Development

Headshot of Moji Rosson.

Moji Rosson
Governance Chair

Director of Growth Strategies and Community Impact
Meritrust Credit Union

Headshot of Bobby Gandu.

Bobby Gandu
Strategic Planning Chair

Assistant Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
Wichita State University


Headshot of Sarah Andrews.

Sarah Andrews
Senior Initiatives Lead for Wichita
Stand Together

Headshot of Ron Baker.

Ron Baker
Project Manager /
Sports Medicine

Ascension Via Christi

Brian Burnett
Business Manager, Financial Secretary-Treasurer
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 441

Margaret Dechant
CEO, Partner and
Wealth Advisor

6 Meridian

Headshot of Susan DeVaughn, United Way of the Plains board member.

Susan DeVaughn
SVP, National Hospitality Program Director
IMA Financial Group

Headshot of Bryce Dougherty, United Way of the Plains board member.

Bryce Dougherty
Chief Financial Officer
Delta Dental of Kansas

Headshot of Adam Dunn.

Adam Dunn
VP & Chief Financial Officer
Martin K. Eby Construction Co., Inc.

Headshot of Bradley Dyer.

Bradley Dyer
Business Development
Credit Union of America

Headshot of Ricki Ellison.

Ricki Ellison
Director of Talent, Workforce Development, and Community Engagement
Greater Wichita Partnership

Headshot of Lindsi Fulcher.

Lindsi Fulcher
Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Emprise Bank

Headshot of MaeLauren Hudson.

MaeLauren Hudson
Wealth Advisor
6 Meridian

Headshot of Dennis Kerschen, United Way of the Plains board member.

Dennis Kerschen
The Law Company

Headshot of Donna Lin Niles.

Donna Lin Niles
Global Partner Innovation Leader

Judy Pierce
Wichita-Hutchinson Labor Federation of Central Kansas

Dr. William Polite Jr. 
Director of Equity,
Diversity & Accountability
Wichita Public Schools

Headshot of Jesse Romo.

Jesse Romo
Director of Airports
City of Wichita

Carol Russell
Communication Workers of America #6402

Headshot of Gary Schmitt.

Gary Schmitt
Managing Director

Headshot of Don Sherman, United Way of the Plains board member.

Don Sherman
Executive of Community Affairs

Dr. Sheree Utash
WSU Tech

Headshot of Katie Warren.

Katie Warren
United Teachers of Wichita

Headshot of Mike Wegner, United Way of the Plains board member.

Mike Wegner
Chief Financial Officer
Ascension Kansas

Johnathan Weigand
Director of Strategic Initiatives
J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc.

Headshot of Justin Welner.

Justin Welner
Senior Vice President, Chief Administration & Compliance Officer
Spirit AeroSystems

Headshot of Bradley White.

Bradley White
Senior Vice President of Global Programs
Textron Aviation