Free Tax Prep Program Volunteer Interest Form

Volunteers are the backbone of our free tax prep program.

Powered by the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program from the IRS, United Way’s Free Tax Prep program annually helps thousands of low-to-moderate-income households in our community file their taxes for free and access refunds vital for supporting their budget. We annually recruit 150+ volunteers to help file taxes and serve as site greeters.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for next year’s tax season, held January through April 2025, complete the form below. At this time, we are working to finalize participating sites and schedules. Watch your email for a notification this fall when you can sign up to serve in a specific role at a specific site. At that time, we will also have details regarding training.

Questions? Contact Kristie Costa, United Way Free Tax Prep Program Manager, at or (316) 267-1321 ext. 4215.