Get to know…Business Analyst Elisha Satterfield

Describe your role at United Way so a third grader could understand it.

My role with United Way is continuously evolving. While its main purpose is to be data- and strategy-focused, I have had the opportunity to fill in many of the team roles as we moved through staff transitions. This has been an excellent way to learn about the different moving pieces within United Way of the Plains. Because of this, I have such an appreciation for each team and the incredible work they do.

Share about your career history and how you made your way to United Way.

I had the pleasure of working in higher education for 12 years (10 of which were with Wichita State Admissions), before choosing to stay home full-time with my children (4, 2 and 5 months). This was an incredibly tough decision as I loved working with prospective students and families, and cared deeply for my team. However, I felt led to be home and fully present in this season of life. Knowing I wanted to continue advancing my career while home, I began working with various organizations on business-focused projects as a solo entity. When the opportunity arrived to begin work with United Way, I was excited to jump right in!

What are your interests or pastimes?

I love DIY and organizing. DIY allows me to find different ways of completing a project, and the organizing is simply therapeutic! Yard work is another way I like to disconnect and recharge.

Share a favorite book or movie and why.

Though not a book or movie, my favorite show is “Big Bang Theory” (“The Office” is a close runner-up.) No matter what kind of mood I’m in, I always feel better after having watched an episode! Comedy is the best way to end a chaotic day.

Share a little bit about your family.

I am blessed with a wonderful husband and three spirited little ones who continue to teach me the real meaning of life. They make me a better person at home, allowing me to continue integrating those same aspects into my work—patience, honesty, determination and genuine care for others’ well being.

What is the number one reason you love working at United Way?

The accepting atmosphere. Working primarily from a remote office has created a unique challenge, but I have always felt welcomed and respected as part of the team at United Way. It’s evident that passion for people is what makes staff members successful in their respective roles.


Published On: January 25, 2022Tags:


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