Our Team

Our team works closely with our board of directors, community partners and generous donors to meet our community’s most critical needs.


Pete Nájera
Pete NájeraPresident & CEO
Annie Murach
Annie MurachAssistant to the President
Mario Cervantes
Mario CervantesAFL-CIO Community Services Liaison


Abel Frederic
Abel FredericVice President of Community Impact
Logan Bradshaw
Logan BradshawDirector of Community Impact
Sarah Crick Milligan
Sarah Crick MilliganDirector of Community Impact
Matt Lowe
Matt LoweDirector of Community Impact
Jose Trejo
Jose TrejoResource Coordinator
Amy Hawley
Amy HawleyVolunteer Center Manager
Kristie Costa
Kristie CostaVITA Program Manager
Rachel Linn
Rachel LinnFinancial Stability Coordinator
Haley Button
Haley ButtonHMIS Administrator
Jen McGill
Jen McGillCoordinated Entry System Manager
Cole Schnieders
Cole SchniedersContinuum of Care Planning Manager
Shylee Ziad
Shylee ZiadContinuum of Care Planning Associate
Jillian Castaneda
Jillian CastanedaHousing Navigator
Ashley Jones
Ashley JonesHousing Navigator
Karmen Lewis
Karmen LewisHMIS - Database Entry Clerk
Tyra Miles
Tyra MilesHousing Navigator
Mark Stump
Mark StumpDirector of Community Services
Joyce Markley
Joyce MarkleyGIV Warehouse Associate
Cannon Ball
Cannon BallCommunity Services Manager
Michele Grimm
Michele GrimmDirector of 211
Madison Medina
Madison MedinaResource Navigator
Cecilia Wood
Cecilia WoodResource Navigator


Gwen Kochman
Gwen KochmanVice President of Philanthropy
Emily Juhnke
Emily JuhnkeAssociate Vice President of Philanthropy
Kindra Goertzen
Kindra GoertzenSenior Director of Marketing and Communications
Jessie Gorges-Sawhill
Jessie Gorges-Sawhill Director of Philanthropy
Elisha Satterfield
Elisha SatterfieldManager of Foundation Relations and Corporate Grants
Stacy Ward Lattin
Stacy Ward LattinManager of Public Outreach and Community Engagement
Bryan Ramsdale
Bryan RamsdaleManager of Digital Content Creation
Brooklyn Black
Brooklyn BlackAssociate Director of Philanthropy
VacantAssociate Director of Philanthropy
Dajahnae Vines
Dajahnae Vines Database Manager


Darren Minks
Darren MinksChief Financial Officer
James Childers
James ChildersAccountant
Kourtnie Sacket
Kourtnie SacketAccountant
Alexis Lopez
Alexis LopezAccounting Clerk
Sheila Konkel
Sheila KonkelNetwork Administrator
Doris Pryor
Doris PryorBusiness Coordinator